Wow, if only I could have had this technology, this type of outlet in 1980 I would have been able to work through my feelings in writing.
This site is dedicated to motherless daughters and motherless mothers. I am both. I became a motherless daughter on January 5, 1980. A distinct line was drawn in the sand that day...the line between carefree, spoiled, only child to housekeeper, bill keeper, commander in charge of all that my dad could not handle. I joined the mother ranks in Nov. 1988 and Dec. 1990. It is my complete hope that this site will garner responses from motherless daughters/mothers from all over the world. It is also my hope that we m-d's can all take a load off here and kick our responsible feet up with any and all feelings, musings, hopes, regrets or whatever we want to talk about. Thanks to Hope Edelman and her book I first read in 1996 "Motherless Daughters". I also read the next book titled "Letters from Motherless Daughters". Now I am reading "Motherless Mothers". Which prompted me to start this blog. As I have been reading her book (MM), I find myself stopping and saying to my husband: "Hey, I feel this way too, I can't believe it, I must be normal cause someone else is going through these feelings too". If your reading this and you have never lost a mother prematurely, honestly, you really cannot understand the lack that we feel as mothers. I know you want to, because I have seen your sympathy and felt your empathy but I also know that look of relief from you that you haven't had to experience this rug being pulled out from under your feet. Your blessed so go hug your mother TODAY!
Stop, stay awhile, drop a few comments...it would be great to hear from you!
Davenholl! You are sooo totally normal! You're off to a great start with your new blog. Let's keep posting shall we? :)
I've been a follower for a while but only read sporadically as I could handle the emotion. Have been reading more today and really enjoy all your photos. I love your writing style and your honesty and vulnerability. I've been keeping a similar blog for the last few years myself. It is always so good to connect with others who "get" it. Your mom was a lovely and wonderful lady. The story about meeting Jim gave me chills.
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